aah.bestnya today. received the paycheque and I had my first scarf purchased @Arzu, klcc. Yada.yada. Well ok. this month I think am gonna splurge on perfume and new tops(maybe), instead of shoes and handbags. I really need a new perfume. Be it Ralph Lauren (I like RL Hot so much), or DKNY Be delicious or the new Burberry thebeat. And oh btw, had lunch with hiza & k.zeera @chilis MV. bestnya dpt makan puas2. thehe. Since am on a dash rite now, so I'll just left you guys with the lunchie phots ya.. ;P ... a few us yang blur hehe ;) saya yg mesti makan nasi :P and the rest... oh bfore i forgot, hPy wkN everyone.. :)