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Kids absorb like a SPONGE!

And it's true!

Last night I discover Adib's new ability. He is actually a fast learner and has strong memories. Walaupun dalam main-main he apparently absorbs things very quickly. Yeah, like a sponge. MasyaAllah.

It started like this. You know it has been our routine for Sara & mama to recite dua' sebelum tidur, Surah Al-Fatihah plus surah Hafazan (now Surah Al-Fiil) which Sara is currently or has learned in school. Normally Adib won't bother to baca with us. Dia either gelak2 bila kita suruh or pretended to focus on his 'lagu'. Saja tau. Geram kadang. But once in a while he will also baca with us. Normally lepas habis kakak baca, mama will turn to him and ask him to at least say "bismillah..." before he dozed off. Ok la ni dia layan. Last night, I do the usual stuff to him. Pastu lepas "bismillahirrohmanirrohim" tu tiba-tiba dia sambung "Allohumma.." which was the beginning of dua' before sleep. So I proceed phrase by phrase. Saja nak tengok dia ingat ke tak. And MasyaAllah surprisingly he does remember the whole dua'. But with some guidance la. Dia boleh sambung apa yang kita sebut. The conversation goes like this :

Mama : Allohumma..
Adib : Baariklana..
Mama : tu doa makan. Allohumma bismika..
Adib: Bismika..
Mama : Ahya
Adib : Wa amut!!  
Mama : Aaa..(minn)
Adib : Aaminnn.

And soon after that, mama nak juga dengar dia baca doa makan. He can recite them like so easily. Alhamdulillah!

Apparently Al-fatihah pun dia dah boleh memorize. Dia boleh je sambung2 dari yang kita baca.
Wow. I feel so proud of him, masyaAllah.

Sara pulak mama has no more worry. Alhamdulillah kalau hafazan memang dia cepat. Jawi pun sama. She even told me what her ustazah said to her yesterday.

Sara : Mama tau tak, tadi masa AlQuran Sara baca sorang-sorang, lepas tu ustazah cakap, Sara Hana ni dia baru Iqra'6 tapi dia dah boleh baca Al-Quran. 

I take it as a compliment. Alhamdulillah. She always made us proud.
MasyaAllah.. semoga berkat pujian dan redha guru padamu wahai Sara Hana. Jazakallah.Terang hati dan dipermudahkan urusan menuntut ilmu anak-anak mama. Amin..

She's about to finish her Iqra'6 and excited to started Al-Quran very soon. Dah suruh mama beli Quran colorful. So sweet of her. Alhamdulillah.

Syukur Ya Allah. I am happy to be blessed with them two, and inshaAllah may the same goes to our next child. 

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