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Come quick, weekend!

Hello Monday.

Lamanya tak update blog. I presume once I am done with research and theses, I should be able to write more often. Konon macam dah free sikit la kan. Tapi tak jugak. Work is piling up. Things (read: human being) at home are.. developing?? Haha, I guess. Anak-anak ni makin membesar makin mencabar betul. Hoih, tiring sangat. Adib is growing now that he is a toddler. Rajin sangat aih si kecik ni. He just could not stay quiet or still at one particular place, and Sara, she is such a darling. But sometimes being too demanding I could not cope. Memang mencabar kesabaran yang senipis kulit bawang ni. hehehe. Hubster selalu cakap, nanti mama akan menjadi "mak---- lampir". Hampeh kan. Not helping. Nonetheless, this blog; being one of the source of "Our-memories-to-reminisce", will keep on updating. InshaAllah. I will not stop blogging. Selagi masih ada daya dan diIzinkan Allah.

Okay what should I write about.

Okay. Run out of words.

Can I just upload the photos instead?? ;p

Summing up pretty much of our activities during April and May 2016. Boleh gitu? Huhu.

And oh before I forgot, we are going for a short holiday to B. Looking fwd to it. Had our passport mode ON. Hehe. InshaAllah, Our flight would be an early flight on Saturday and will come back on Monday. Yeah, pretty short I tell you. Pray for a safe and happy journey, Amin..

Okay so back to here.

1. Celebrated Adib's 1st birthday dekat rumah Wan kat kedah. Just a simple celebration. Beli kek makan anak beranak pastu petangnya Wan & Tok tempah and hantar packed bihun goreng ke Masjid utk jemaah solat Asar, baca doa selamat for three of them cucu; Sara, Adib and Baby Kai (anak Acu).

2. Summing up weekend at Alamanda. Sara now is a big fan of Shopkins. She has total of 46 shopkins in her collection to date. Siap ada mini rak shopkins lagi. hehe. Adib pulak peminat balloon. Ala ballon yang cartoon2 tu. Kalau nampak mula la tunjuk2 sambil cakap "nak, nak"

3. Ambik gambar ni sebab nak tunjuk gigi. Nampak segala bijih Adib oih. Hehe. :P

4. Last weekend (14 Mei 2016). Masa ni nak pergi rumah atok and rumah Acu, visiting baby Kai.

5. Hari yang sama. Dekat IOI. Naik ni dah mcm acara wajib huhu. What a tiring day. Dari pagi sampai malam kat luar. Balik singgah IOI sbb Sara requested to buy Shopkins kakak. Sampai tertido2 dalam kereta. 

6. On sunday, which is yesterday decided to JUST STAY AT HOME sbb saturday dah keluar and penat. But MM pulak ajak brunch. Off we go to Bangi Gateway sebab nak makan dekat Teh Tarik Place. I had their signature Mee Goreng Mamak and MM had mee kari. Sara had mihun singapore and Adib, of course with his home made food. hehe. Tapi rasanya mihun singapore TT Place dekat Mines lagi sedap la. Kat sini mcm kering. Lepas tu pusing2 cari tudung. Sara dapat 1, mama beli instant tudung sarung at Qaira Hijab. 

7. Lepas tu petang sambung buat card for the aunties of BBIM. Sara had so much fun as she loves craft so much. Alhamdulillah, by 6 pm we're done with this Teacher's Day Card. =)

8. Malam, while waiting for MM to tapau milo ais, layan budak2 dua orang ni main kinetic sand. Haa sepah sepah japgi kemas eh!

Okay so that was it! 

16 May 2016. Sara is 6 years of and is in final year at BBIM TPS. Happy Teacher's Day to all aunties of BBIM!! With lotsa LOVE

Sara Hana


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