Learned these tenets from my lil one today.
It feels like a 'pang' on my face that wakes me up somehow.
She said,
Show me
1. Courtesy
2. Integrity
3. Perseverance
4. Self-control
5. Indomitable spirit
With ur guidance O'Allah, I am so blessed!
Again, thank you Allah.
For sending me 'malaikat kecil' ini. I am beyond thankful. She makes me a person that I wanted to be. She saved me from astray, far from you. She saves me whenever I feel lost. She gives me hope whenever I am hopeless. She's the one who took my hand to the righteous path. She's always there for me, abide with me. She; is my little girl.
She; is my beloved daughter.
Terima kasih sayang. For giving me a new hope, a new breathe, a new determination.
Terima kasih anak mama. For giving me strength thro the hardest time.
Terima kasih sayang mama. For being there for me, thro thick and thin.
You are only 5 but, i owe you a lot! Really a lot til i lost count and think i could not repay.
Mama sayang Sara. Sangat. I dont know how to describe it. There's no such word to describe you, sayang. You are very special, in fact too special for me.
And sometimes, I think i no deserve to be your mother. And i think I am not good enough to be your mother.
But NO! I would not say so. Never. Because we are made for each other, to COMPLETE one another. Yes. We'll stick together. InshaAllah.
Ya Allah. Terima kasih atas kurniaan-Mu yang sangat berharga ini. Di saat aku hilang arah, Allah hantarkan petunjuk buatku melalui anak kecil ini. Allahu Akbar. Ya Allah, kau berikanlah kesihatan, kebahagiaan, perlindungan dan keselamatan yang terbaik buat anak-anakku. Jadikan lah mereka anak2 syurga. Panjangkanlah usia mereka. Jadikanlah mereka orang yang kau redhai dan kau kurniakan nikmat. Masukkan lah mereka ke dalam syurgamu tanpa dihisab.
Amiin ya rabb.
Mama sayang Sara
Mama sayang Adib
Mama sayang anak-anak mama
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