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Labour Part II

I might not be busy today. Hopefully.
As promised, here is the continuation of the Labour Part I entry.

I've been taken to the room around 9:45am on 15th November 2011. That was the day. My guts told me. Even so I did not have any menstrual-like cramps or any contraction at all and there were no labor signs too : water broke or bleeding. Alhamdulillah everything was just fine until the doctor told me it was already 1.5 cm dilated.

10.00 a.m : The midwife came and do some checking to confirm if i was in labor. She gave me 1 unit of oxytocin (Pitocin) through a drip to augment the contraction. There is no sign of contraction yet. Feeling nerveous, I recited surah Yasin to lessen the anxiousness. 

11.00 a.m : Midwife came. They monitor the baby heart rate via CTG and check my blood pressure. I recite Al Mathurat while waiting.

1.00 p.m : My OB (Dr Jamil) came over. He asked me if there is any sign or any contraction. I said not yet. He monitor the heart rate of baby and told me everything is normal. I was already 3 cm dilated. He asked the midwife to doubled the unit of Pitocin.

3.00 p.m : The contraction started. Each of it was about 10 minutes apart. It feels strong but bearable. I didn't know how strong and intense the real one would be. I concentrate with the breathing technique that I learned during the pre-natal class. At that moment tho, my only accompany was my husband since mak and abah went home to bring some food and stuffs.

3:30 p.m : The contraction is still bearable. My OB came. He told me baby has pooped inside and had to break my water. I can feel a slight leakage. Oh, my water broke. "I need the CTG to be here all the time." Thats what he told the midwife.

I don't know what to do. Perasaan takut, cemas, nervous datang berselang seli. I kept on berdoa so that my baby will be safe.

In a meantime, midwife and nurse datang every 10 minutes to monitor the heart rate of baby.

4:30 p.m : The contraction is stronger and intense. I couldn't cope with breathing technique anymore. It is getting stronger and each contraction only 5 minutes apart.

5:00 p.m : Dr Jamil came. He told me everything was fine and baby is safe inside. Alhamdulillah. 

5:45 p.m : Super stronggggggg contraction comes.The pain is unbearable anymore. It is indescribable. My tears started to flow even how hard I tried to resist. Hubby, mak and abah was right there beside me, making the unbearable pain lesser a bit. I keep on thinking, I have to bertahan. No matter how. I have to do this.

6:00 p.m : I was still in my room. The nurse came in. I told mum I feel like nak meneran. The nurse asked "akak dah rasa nak teran ke?" in suprised. She rushed out to call the midwife. I am now fully dilated. I am in labor. I felt anxious. I ask mak to call my husband. He went to surau just now and has not been back. The midwife ask me to bertahan kejap. "Boleh tahan lagi tak kak? Kita nak bawak pegi labor room skrg ni." I said I can still bertahan. Husband arrive at the right moment when they are about to bring me to the labor room just next to my room. 

The doctor came in. He said it was the time to push. I do not remember anything else I just pusshhh pusshh and pussh. It feel so good anyway. All I can hear is the sound of my husband saying "teran sayang, kuat, kuat. anak kita nak keluar dah" and the sound of midwifes said "teran kuat kak, teran kat bawah, bukan kat atas" and another said "takpe kak, saya tolong tekan" while tekan kat my tummy and when I had a little pause, I heard the doc said "bagi dia berehat kejap". Macam kelakar kan? And after gathered all the strength, with three hard pushes, the baby pooped out. 

Everything was sooo fast. I can't believe I did it. It was such a relieve, syukur Alhamdulillah. Everything was normal. And I could not believe I was in labour room for 20 minutes. 

And my husband witness everything. I am blessed to have courage by him.

Monday, 15th November, 2011 at 6:20 p.m, our first daughter was born. 
Sara Hana Binti Muhamad Mukhlis. Yes, that was the given name. ;)

On top of that, I would like to thank Dr Jamil and KPMC staffs for their attentiveness towards their patients. For their good services, I won't be wandering other places for giving birth to the next one. =D

*this is a post dated entry. 


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