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I have never, in my life thought that meeting the other half's parent would be sooo freaking. Yes. Yes. Yes. Seriously. It was like so out of control but you HAVE to be in control. And when you are theseeeee close to the house you kinda feel like u are up side down. Sangat nerveous yang ntah ape-ape, but apparently there is nothing. Tekanan pun ada. haha. But alhamdulillah my very 1st meeting with his parents turned out to be just fine and well. Perfect. :) *blush*

*at the moment of writing this entry I was waiting for M to feedback me abt wht his mom dan dad thinks about me. gabra babe :S *

Evening : had a lil raw with M rentetan dari peristiwa aku grumpy dgn dia abt the Master form n karaoke thingy. He called off the whole meet-the-parents plan for the weekNd. Sgt keji :P. And I was just.. saying OK. Huh????

Night : Operasi memujuk. He came to KD and we had ckt for dinner. Oh, looks like someone is craving for char kuey tw. Hehe :P

Since I have no plan to go anywhere I just chilled at home, did the laundry, cooked for my own lunch and did some homework for next week's class. Around 4 M texted asking to meet up. He came picked me up and we went for a quick drinks at mamak's then suddenly he popped out this question:

"nak tak esok datang rumah i?"
And I was like...
"Aaa...? esok? boleh ke yang?"
And he was like...
" Ok. nanti balik I tanye mak. And then pastu i'll inform u. Kalau mak kata ok, tmrw I'll pick u up"
And again I was like...
" Ok..."
*mcm gaya berbunga2 tapi sebenarnya aku sudah agak gelabah. hehehe*
Here's part of the meet-the-parents discussion:
M: Yang, mak kata ok. Esok tghari. Ok ke?
me: aa.. temanye lunch ke?
M: Agaknya la kot. hehe
(boleh kot2 pulak. ntah ape2 :P)
bla bla bla... (idle talk)
M: Jgn lupa bwk telekong yang, tema nak solat t cane..
me thinking... aaaa?? perlu bwk telekung ke? mengapa tidak boleh pinjam je ke?
bla bla bla... (perbualan ini terlalu meleret dan tidak perlu diketahui :P)
M: ayah ajak u lunch kt sini je.. jgn risau k.. I kan ada yang.
(yer yang.. u mmg ada utk gelak2 i nanti. bah :P)

That's all abt it. Anyway, lawak kan boipren saya? siap suh I bawak telekung nak dtg jumpa bakal mertua. and oh actually i did bring the telekung tau. letak dlm handbag saya yang besar itu. pastu tergelak2 dengan dia masa dlm kete. apparently he thot that telekung ni lain org lain sizenye. so susah kalau nak pinjam2. last2 skali M asked me to leave the telekung inside his car. katanya nanti boleh je pinjam telekung mak kalau nak solat. hehehe.. tentu gelak besar mak aku dengar ni. tanak cite. malu macik. kihkihkih. jgn marah baby :P. I heartttt u alott baby.

Cerita pasal hari ahad, i dont think I should write here. Malulah saya. hehe. *poyo*. And bythaway, M just texted, he said that his mom said ok.. guys, approved. heheh. Alhamdulillah... (well ok TWIN ckp ayat approve ini poyo. Dengki).

Our 3rd mission is successfully accomplished. Yosh!!!

To the babes + housmet saya: thanks a bunch for the tips and advices. i lov u galfwends :)


  1. sgt poyoooooo...
    mengapa cerita sekerat jln
    so apa kah inti pati discussion
    adakah brp bnyk duit belanja kene bg?

  2. perlukah kau dengki dgn aku twin? hahah

  3. hahahha, part telekung plg best ni...apa la encik M ni..duk buat housemet I yg mmg dah gelabah ni lagi gelabah la

  4. dah approved ke?hebat dasat dan tahniah.huhu

    btw,apsal terus 3rd mission?ape 2nd n 1st mission?i missed out something kah? hihi

  5. hihihi... well ok ayat approved itu agak sedikittt poyo. but hey tht's true. kan? :P


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