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wean off, first attempt

I have to blog about this, for my own personal record, and Sara's too. :)

To date, I have bfeed Sara for 2 years, 6months, 2 weeks and 6 days (refering to ticker).Had several thoughts of weaning off Sara from brst milk. But never put any real attempt. Not even once.

I gave it a try last night. She came to me, as usual, looking for susu mama. I told her, alamak susu mama patah, unintentionally. And she took a peek at it. Ulang lagi ckp,"patah la susu mama. tgk ni". And God, she believes it! Lepas tu tanya dia, nak ke tak? She said "tanak la susu mama patah, nanti kita beli yang baru ye" Hehe. What a super cute and concerned answer.

Bila dah masa nak tido, she still believes susu mama patah. Mulanya Sara takde mintak susu mama. tapi lepas guling-guling atas tilam and she looks unease. Mcm gelisah nak tido. Kejap2 peluk mama, tarik tangan mama suruh peluk Sara, kesian sangat masa tu. Then Sara ckp, nak susu mama sikiiit je. Dia pun minum, memang sekejap je. Pastu cuba la tido, Mama peluk2 and usap2 rambut sara nak bagi tido. Pastu tanye lagi, nak sikiiiit je. Ok. minum lagi. pastu cuba utk tido lagi. Nampak dia hisap jari pulak. Ohoho.. susah nye kan nak wean off. Memang perlu sangat kuat kedua-dua kami. Lepas 3 kali minum susu sikiiit je tu, sara pun tertido.. tanpa susu mama. Yes. Achievement! Terasa sayu disaat itu, menitis air mata, melihat wajah tidur anak kecil yang dikendong, didukung selama ini sudah besar rupanya.. oh what a moment :(

Harini, Sara still believes susu mama patah, dia ckp nanti nak beli yang baru. Kesian susu mama. Mmg mintak nak sikiiiit je, tapi bila dh dpt she refuse to release. Balas dendam semalam kot.

Hmm..looks like the blissful night still have to wait lah. Sara is not ready for a weaning off just yet. It's ok. But anyhow, I feel blessed to be able to hold her these tight and hug and kiss and feel her close enough this long. Nanti dah besar2 mana mau mama peluk2 kiss2 dah kot ;p

Akhirnya.. untuk tatapan diri sendiri dan Sara, bila dia besar nanti... I hope she understands how much I love her. Mama sayang Sara!! =)

Mama Sara


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