This is my personal view. Please do not offence. Just, please. *on my knee, begging*
Something to think
Well okay, we bought the iPad couple of months ago. Since that, my little girl is getting used to it. We have it installed with the educational kid's app, games and stuffs.
And now, she mastered it. The YouTube video of Upin Ipin, the TV commercial and baby videos of her liking, her favorite game of Angry Bird, and so forth.
Well, that's good.
Recently she's been asking for iPad (she called if "awak-awak) quite a number of times. Like, 4-5 times a day. And per session could take up to half an hour. Oh?
Well again, okay. It seems to give us a little 'free' time when she's stick to the screen.
Then, I noticed, she has lost interest in the toys. Her real physical toys. She rarely touch her block toys, her Lego, her masak2 toys, etc. Okay, talking about boxes of her toys collection.
Then, I noticed, she has lost interest in the toys. Her real physical toys. She rarely touch her block toys, her Lego, her masak2 toys, etc. Okay, talking about boxes of her toys collection.
And also, I noticed, she has lost interest in books. Her piles of books are now safe and sound in the box. I suppose we all know that reading stimulates the development of the brain, language and a closer emotional relationship with a child.
She seems to forget her used-to-be favorite nursery rhymes (muffin man, wheels on the bus), where she would sing and dance along with the video (oh, it's the video cd).
She seems to lose her concentration, focus and interest easily.
Again, Oh?
Hmm... now I wonder.
Oh I did not pointing to anyone, nor blaming anyone. No. Just that, it strikes me when I read the article about children below 2 years old and "gadget" in TIME Health & Family. You can read it here, if you like.
Come to think of it, comparing with our situation and experience, I kind of agree. No. I am quite agree.
Now it freaks me out. :(
I did not say iPad is such a bad idea. No. I believe it can be the added value to your kid to be exposed to the gadget thingy and impoverished cognitive environment.
Again, please do not offence.
I'm gonna find out what's best to "distract" her from the iPad. I would not let my kid to be a screen addict. Not in a million years.
And plus, screen, are bad for developing eyes. This is the fact. We all know.
Yes, we do not left her unattended with the iPad. We were with her all the time. That is true. And we bought the iPad for her, after all. I knew it. I remembered.
Please, do not feel offence. I'm just expressing my worries.
The frequent is getting me worried, sick.
When parents are busy, though, the best option may simply be to turn the gadgets off, rather than letting kids use them unattended, says Altmann. “We know parents can’t be with their children 24/7,” she says. “But don’t forget that when we were kids, our moms would just give us toys to play with on the ground and say, ‘Play.’ Just give them some time to explore occasionally on their own. They don’t have to have external stimulation every second of the day.”
“We know you can’t spend 24 hours a day reading to your child and playing with them. That’s okay. What’s also okay is your child playing independently,” she said. “That’s valuable time. They’re problem-solving. They’re using their imagination, thinking creatively and entertaining themselves.”
I believe every parent wants the best for their kid. So do us. Let's work things out. It not too late, yet!
Best of luck!
MM, I need your support :)
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