tuesday 21 jan 14. final paper of final subject of master. oh serius ya ampun sungguh letih sem ni. it looks easy. 1 subject but the hardness and difficulties are perghhhhh.. indescribable! i suppose this is the MOST challenging subject of all. sungguh sungguh. super stress. supper mind cracking. supper mind torturing. n super time killing. apa yg mampu dibuat, usaha usaha usaha, endlessly and at the same time, pray hard and finally, harus redha. but deeeeeeeep inside, i am still hoping to see a good 'sight' regardless of whatever the efforts are. Masya Allah. Betulkanlah niatku. Semua ini Lillahi Ta'ala. N sara sangat kasihan ok. i know she misses me, a lot. she waited for me patiently and impatiently hehe. She'd accompanied me with my revision and busied herself with colouring works. Sampai tertido. i've tried and always will prioritize her regardless of any situation. most of my/our decision will take her accounted, and atm, i am trying to prioritize the most im...