because of these two. 1. I, as a student. ..the waiting of master's exam result was finally over. alhamdulillah, despite all the worries and regrets of "not doing well", "i could do better", "why didnt i do this and that?" in Advanced Engineering Math subject, managed to get a good standing result, alhamdulillah. many grateful to Allah for answering our prayers. The advanced math paper was the most killed paper because of the numerical material. I was worried sick to the extend of the thoughts of getting less than B keeps lingering in my head, and I still have all my adv. math notes safe in my school bag, in case of anything bad happen (repeat subject la, apa lagi huhu). Thank Dr Bern, Dr Aidil and Dr Hanim, a B+ and an A is more than good for me. Thanks to my backbone, MM for his endless support and never ending trust in his wife. TY to the parents and all the doa. And, Sara Hana, this is for you little girl! Mama <3 you lots! And btw, ...