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Showing posts from March, 2009

malas nak update blog..

sebab I need to TONE DOWN my retail needs to the LOWEST kot.. urgh. *sad* but... I STILL need a pair of high heel (normal 3-inch heels). It must be very NICE: YES, wearable for any occasion / place: YES, well-known brand: YES, pricey: umm.. No-No. Oh... sayonara to a self-proclaimed shopaholic. Taaa...~ *sob.sob* p/s: nak kawin punye pasal.. takpe.. takpe.. aku rela..(dlm terpaksa. hehehe) *straight face*


my fiance and I were just coming back from the 5days-student's sports carnival in kedah. and my face is pretty much tanned rite now. urgh. peeling timeeeeeeeeee. ah dang. i am so much tired and i need to top up my sleep. zzZZzzZzz

hana & mukhlis's engagement

well ok. sumthing is not rite with "". here it is... and many more on hana's facebook.


..saya telah melihat satu acara penipuan exam yang sangat hebat, profesional dan sangat keji..yang sangat memalukan untuk diperbincangkan. dimanakah keberkatan di dalam mencari rezeki? Ya Allah... Kau berikanlah kemenangan kepada golongan yang BENAR... Tunjukkanlah kekuasaan-Mu wahai Tuhanku.... Amin....