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Showing posts from June, 2008


I have been really busy. Nihongo madness. Oh god. M@*ra is extremely driving us insane. Anyhoots, I'm glad that I didn't spend much time on net, and blogging as well. Which is g-o-o-d. But i am pwetty much aware of those ppl tht keep on coming to this page to check on the updates. Sorry guys. So many things happened. Besides, I hv been super-EXTREMELY busy and exhausted. As a result, the blog left hiatus for a while. But I am back and I'll keep on blogging. So don't give up on me, will ya'? ;) Just a recent update. I am undergoing a 2-months Intensive Japanese class under consultancy of YPM. Seronok. But hectic I must say. 7-hours session weekdays. Quizzes every day and 1-hour test every Friday and plus there will be final exam too by the end of july. Oh just so u know I reached home nearly dusk, fiddling around a bit here and there, layan tv kejap, had dinner and then resume back to benkyou (study). N oh, we are also not allowed to skip any of those classes. So t...